The notion that good quality cable is an important part of sound reproduction has been widely accepted among hi-fi enthusiasts for a long time, but musicians have been a little slower to catch on. In this article, I’d like to explain ...

Last week computer giant IBM unveiled it’s own, bespoke typeface. The font is called IBM Plex. It’s designed by IBM designers, and will (say FastCoDesign) be “be used almost everywhere letters appear”, from software and websites, to press releases, visitor passes, and ...

You’ve done an outstanding job of setting up a backup for your files and folders. Your system is running like a champ, and all is smooth sailing. But truth be told, there’s this guy named Murphy…and he has a habit ...

The Cinnamon desktop environment has been at the fore of our recent new look into ubuntu vs mint installations We’re putting the paint roller down for this post. Instead, we will show you how to install the latest stable release of Cinnamon ...